One of the main causes of obesity is the lack of the necessary amount of muscle activity. Therefore, to solve this problem, you must first use physical exercises to lose weight. There are 2 main types of training: aerobic (running, swimming, step aerobics, etc. ) and strength (deadlifts, push-ups, twists, etc. ). In order to achieve the maximum effect of burning fat, the classes should be held according to a previously developed schedule.
Static exercises, high-intensity interval training (CrossFit), yoga and breathing exercises are also effective in the fight against extra pounds.
The main advantage of aerobic exercise is that it leads to a high expenditure of calories. Increasing energy consumption (with a balanced diet) triggers the breakdown of subcutaneous fat. During cardio training, all parts of the body lose weight: stomach, sides, hips, buttocks, arms, shoulders, back and face.
The most effective aerobic exercises for weight loss:
Exercise | Tips on how to exercise |
Step aerobics | This is a type of cardio workout that is based on rhythmic stepping on the platform. To increase the load during step aerobics, you can use hill jumping, active swinging movements with arms and legs. The duration of one lesson should be 35-45 minutes |
jumping rope | The exercise is performed in cycles: six to eight sets of 1-2 minutes each. Rest between sets should be no more than 60 seconds |
ski cross | One of the most energy-intensive exercises. Due to the fact that all muscle groups are actively involved in its performance, skiing faster than other cardio loads allows you to "dry" the hips, waist, buttocks and other problem areas of the body from fat. The duration of the workout is determined by itsIntensity On average, half an hour of moderate-paced exercise twice a week is enough to activate the weight loss process. |
Cycle training on a treadmill | The main factor for the effectiveness of the exercise is its duration (at least 40 minutes). To withstand this amount of work, the run should be divided into six cycles, each of which should consist of five minutes of exertion and two minutes of rest. |
Orbital Track Exercises (Elliptical Trainer) | In the summer, cross-country skiing can completely replace cardio training on an ellipsoid. You need to train on the simulator for about half an hour, having previously set the program using the electronic screen. The entire workout can be divided into three to four cycles of 6-8 minutes each, with a minute rest between sets. |
A bike ride | The best exercise for "drying" the legs and reducing the amount of fat in other parts of the body. The duration of cycling will depend on its intensity. An average cardio workout should take 40-50 minutes. It is recommended to change the speed and mode (up, down or flat road) every 5-7 minutes |
Swimming | Water procedures in a pool or open water should last about 35-45 minutes (the time depends on the intensity and temperature of the water). To increase the fat burning effect, swimming in different styles is recommended. |
This weight loss exercise is very popular because it includes elements of cardio and strength training. This allows busy men and women to effectively load the muscles of the entire body, spending no more than 20 minutes a day.
- Sit in the starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands down by the body.
- Lower the body into a semi-squat while leaning slightly forward and resting the palms on the floor.
- Transfer the weight of the body to the arms and stretch the legs back to a horizontal position, emphasizing the lying position.
- With a quick movement, return to a semi-squat position with emphasis on the palms.
- Take a starting position.
- Do 10-14 similar sets.
- After a minute, do a few more approaches.

Basic exercises for weight loss in the gym
Strength training with multi-joint exercises is one of the best ways to lose fat. The presence of special equipment and equipment available in the gym allows you to effectively load all large muscle groups, stimulate the production of testosterone, samotropin and other hormones that positively affect the rate of weight loss.
The main complex must necessarily include squats, grip of the upper block behind the back, bench press and twisting.
For boys and girls who are just starting to train with weights, it is recommended to perform the exercise with dumbbells or dumbbells. They are comfortable to hold in the hands and control your body position, which minimizes the risk of injury.
Execution sequence:
- Grab two weights with your hands and throw them over your shoulders, keeping them close to your chest.
- Align the body, pull in the stomach and move the body down (squat).
- Stand up straight.
- Do about 10 reps.
- After resting for 1. 5 minutes, perform the following approaches (four, five).

During squatting and standing, it is necessary to constantly monitor the position of the spine: the back must always remain straight.
Pulling a block behind the back
The latissimus dorsi fat burning workout in the gym is best done on a block simulator.
Performance technique:
- Place the lock in the hole corresponding to the required load level.
- Sit on the simulator bench and tuck your knees under the rollers.
- Grasp the iron bar with a wide grip.
- Pull the bar down and behind your back.
- Relax your hands and raise them.
- Repeat the movement 12 times.
- Take a minute break to recover and complete the rest of the work (four to five sets).

Bench on a horizontal bench
This will help to quickly "dry" the shoulders, chest and reduce the content of subcutaneous fat in other parts of the body. The bench is performed in two versions: with a narrow adjustment of the arms and a wide one. In the first case, the load will be focused on the triceps of the shoulder, in the second - on the pectoral muscles.
Action algorithm:
- Equip the bar with the required number of pancakes.
- Sit on a bench, lying on your back.
- Firmly grip neck with brushes.
- Break the projectile off the racks, bring it to chest level and slowly lower it down.
- Pull the bar up quickly.
- Do 12 reps.
- After a two-minute rest, perform the same four sets, gradually increasing the working weight of the projectile.

Twisting block simulator
Abdominal training on a block simulator allows you to "burn" each press cube, making it more prominent and dry.
- Set load.
- Take a starting position: one meter from the front stand of the simulator, lower your body to your knees and grab the ropes.
- With the strength of the abdominal muscles, tilt the upper body down.
- Return to the original position.
The number of repetitions is 10-12, approaches are 4-6. The duration of the recovery pause between sets is 90 seconds.

Before each strength exercise, it is necessary to perform warm-up movements: jumping rope or five-minute work on one of the cardio machines, stretching the ligaments, rotating the joints.
Training program
Do it right according to the plan. Only in this case will it be possible to observe the periodization of loads and maintain a high rate of weight loss.
A weekly workout schedule might look like this:
- Monday: morning - swimming, evening - traction on the block behind the head.
- Tuesday: morning - treadmill work, evening - squats.
- Wednesday: rest day from strength training.
- Thursday: morning - cycling, evening - couch.
- Friday: morning - ellipsoid class, evening - twisting block simulator.
On Saturdays and Sundays, light cardio should be done: sports games, walks, etc.
Home activities
Easy and simple exercises for weight loss at home should be performed with an increased number of repetitions and a shorter rest period between sets.
For the convenience of training, it is recommended to purchase a gym mat and a fitball.
Engage the abdominal muscles in the lower abdomen. This exercise should be done no earlier than 4 hours after the last meal.
- Lie on your back on an exercise mat.
- Straighten the body in one line.
- Place your hands by your body.
- Raise your legs 40 cm above the surface.
- To produce multiplication and reduction of the hips in a horizontal plane.
The number of repetitions is about 20-25. The number of approaches is 4. The rest break between sets is 1 minute.

superman flight
During the exercise, the back of the thigh, buttocks and back are loaded.
- Spread a rubber mat and lie on it with your stomach down.
- Stretch your arms out in front of you.
- Raise your left leg and right arm at the same time.
- Perform a lift of the right leg and left arm while lowering the opposite limbs.
- Fix the position of the arms and legs in the same plane, tearing them off the floor.
- Repeat the movements in the same sequence 15 more times.
- After a minute break, do three more sets.

Move your legs
The purpose of the exercise is to train the inner and outer thighs.
- Place on a non-slip surface.
- Place your feet at shoulder level.
- Spread straight arms out to the sides.
- Make a slight rocking motion with your right leg forward and to the left, then swing it wide to the side.
- Do 15 reps.
- Perform similar swings with the left leg.
- Perform four approaches with a minute break between them.

Ball boat
The exercise is performed to train the gluteal and thigh muscles.
Performance technique:
- Lie on a rubber mat or other non-firm surface face down.
- Fix an exercise ball between the legs.
- Stretch your arms out in front of you.
- Do simultaneous separation and lifting of the arms and the fitball.
- Drop down to the previous position.
- Perform 14-16 repetitions.
- Pause for forty seconds and perform four similar sets.

A hunting dog
It is used to "dry" the gluteal muscles, thighs, back and reduce the total amount of fat in the body.
Execution sequence:
- Get on your knees and rest your hands on the floor in front of you (this position will be the starting position).
- Lift the right palm off the surface, bend the arm at the elbow and quickly throw it forward while extending and lifting the left leg up.
- Return to starting position.
- Complete 15 repetitions.
- Rest for 60 seconds.
- Do a similar approach with the left arm and right leg.
Repeat the exercise four times.

Twisting the ball
A low-amplitude exercise allows you to effectively load the upper part of the rectus abdominis muscle, "drying" it from fat and forming beautiful cubes.
- Lie down on the fitball.
- Place your hands on the back of your head.
- Bend your knees.
- Perform 15-20 short chest lifts.
- Take a minute to recover.
Complete three sets.

The exercise involves the elbow and shoulder joints, during its performance the pectoral muscles, triceps and deltoid muscles are well developed.
- Take emphasis in a lying position: the body is in a horizontal position, resting on the surface only with feet and palms.
- While inhaling, make the deepest chest drop possible.
- As you exhale, lift your body up.
- Do 20-30 similar movements.
- Take a minute break to recover and complete four more sets.

This complex can be performed at home six days a week, and the exercises are divided into two training sessions. For example, in one lesson perform scissors, superman flight and leg swings, and in the second - ball boat, hunting dog and ball twist.
To find out which set of exercises is right for you, you should consult a fitness trainer. The specialist will analyze age, weight, profession, level of sports training and other factors, then give effective recommendations for weight loss training.
Static loads
Exercises without amplitude for weight loss are effective for men and women with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. You can perform them daily in different combinations.
Before class, it is recommended to do a light warm-up and stretching.
The exercise is designed to train the muscles of the press. During its implementation, not only the fat layer decreases, but also the waist narrows.
Execution algorithm:
- Take a horizontal position lying on your back.
- Lift your legs up by bending them at the knees.
- Stretch your arms along your body.
- Lift your chest off the floor.
- Lock in this position for 30-45 seconds.
- Rest for 60 seconds and repeat a hundred more times.
In the static phase of the exercise, you should breathe with frequent, short inhalations and exhalations.

side stand
The exercise is used to tighten the sides and remove the so-called "pig ears" on them.
Inclined bridge (side stand) is performed according to the following algorithm:
- Lie down on the floor.
- Turn to the left side and place the elbow in front of you: the body should lie on the floor with only the outer surface of the left leg and forearm.
- Align the position of the body in one horizontal line.
- Try to stay in this position as long as possible.
- Turn to the other side and perform static on the right side.
The number of approaches is three, the rest time between them is 40 seconds.

The static exercise allows you to load the entire shoulder girdle: triceps, deltoid, trapezius. As a result, the body spends a large amount of energy, thereby increasing the rate of weight loss.
- From a standing position, lean your body forward.
- Rest your hands on the floor.
- Raise your legs sharply from the surface, bringing your body to a vertical position.
- Stand on your hands for 30-40 seconds.
- After a minute's pause, do three more approaches.

The legs, buttocks, back, hips and shoulders are stressed due to the need to maintain the body (balance) in a leaning one-legged stance.
Execution sequence:
- In a standing position, lift the left leg off the floor and lean the body forward.
- Extend the left arm and leg in a horizontal position (the angle between the upper body and the right thigh should be right).
- Lock in this position for 20-35 seconds.
- Rest for 30 seconds and assume a similar position, standing on the right leg.
- Do three to four sets for each side.

A classic exercise for "drying" the abdominal muscles, performed in statics.
The technique looks like this:
- Lie on the floor in a horizontal position face down.
- Focus on the surface of the forearms and legs.
- Align the body in one line.
- Stay in this position as long as possible.
- After a 30-second rest break, do three more sets.

High chair
The exercise is effective to use to "dry" the thighs, make the buttocks more elastic and rounded.
Execution algorithm:
- Press your back against the wall.
- Take a step forward.
- Keeping your legs still, lean your upper body back until it rests against the wall.
- Lower your torso down until a right angle is formed between your hips and spine.
- Lock in this position for 40-55 seconds.
- Rest for a minute and do three more similar sets.

Yoga offers a large number of static exercises (asanas) for weight loss. And although the effectiveness compared to strength and cardio training is small, their use can be justified in diseases of the musculoskeletal system and other pathologies, when heavy physical activity is not recommended.
For men and women who are in good physical shape and have no health problems, it is recommended to use crossfit for weight loss - high-intensity interval training, performed by alternating aerobic and strength loads during one approach.
An example of a CrossFit workout might look like this:
- 20 push-ups from the floor.
- 15 hits with a hammer on a tire.
- Jump rope (1 minute).
- Six barbell squats.
- 30 seconds of work on the ellipsoid.
- Eight tire flips.
Exercises are performed without rest. Three or four such circuit series can be performed within one workout.
Breathing exercises
It has been found that saturating the body with oxygen contributes to an increase in the rate of fat burning. This effect is used during weight loss.
There are four basic breathing exercises:
- Bodyflex.Training consists of slow, deep inhalation, followed by stretching of the diaphragm and exhalation.
- Oxysize.The technique is based on a combination of continuous diaphragmatic breathing with physical exercises. 1 cycle includes sequentially produced inhalation, three dovdokhov, exhalation and three dovodyha.
- qigong. It is performed in different positions: sitting, standing, in the lotus position. The essence of the technique is to take deep breaths through the nose and slow exhalations through the mouth.
- Pranayama.It is an element of yoga and includes a wide variety of breathing techniques. Much attention is paid to the emotional background when performing pranayama.
Breathing exercises alone cannot lead to rapid weight loss. However, when included in a strength and cardio training program, they will help increase the rate of fat burning, activate the metabolism and speed up the recovery process after exercise.